1: Before the white man came, the Redwood dominated the Pacific coastline, from Florence Oregon to Santa Barbara California, and 40 – 50 miles inland. Scientists say this was the largest rain forest on the planet.
2: Today, only 4% of Coast Redwoods survive. Even that 4% is questionable, as that estimate is over 20 years old. From 1986 until 2007, Pacific Lumber (PALCO, which owned the majority of private holdings of Redwood forest) had been clear cutting these ancient giants like drunken sailors, at the behest of their corporate masters, Maxxam Corporation. Happily for the Redwoods, PALCO declared bankruptcy in 2008 and it’s vast forest holdings are now owned by Mendocino Redwood Company, which alleges to be a “greener” lumber company dedicated to sustainability. Let us hope.
3: The Coast Redwood quite literally “has a price on it’s head.” The mill price for a single old growth Redwood is upwards of $119,000, and can make up to $357,000 in profit for those who harvest her.
4: Not only are Coast Redwood forests endangered in their own right, they are homes to many other endangered species, including Spotted Owls and Salmon. Clear cutting endangers human populations as well, since homes are destroyed by mud slides resulting from clear cuts, and water supplies are compromised as well.
5: Lumber companies routinely ignores or fabricate environmental impact reports so they continue their literal genocide of the ancient trees.
6: Our own U.S. Forest Service, which was created to protect our national natural treasures, has been selling off whole groves of Redwoods to the lumber companies for decades, and continues to do so — AND THEY DON’T EVEN MAKE A PROFIT FROM THIS!
What can we do?
1: The Coast Redwood needs to be placed on the Federal list of protected endangered species. 2: Legislation must be passed outlawing the harvesting of Redwoods, and the sale of Redwood products. 3: The US Forest Service must be forced to return to it’s original mandate: preserving our national forests for future generations.
4: Email your Senators and Congressperson.
5: Sign the petition for a 100 year moratorium on Redwood harvest, sale and export:
What about for the short term?
Donate your time and your money to these groups who are dedicated to saving the Coast Redwood from extinction: