Tacoma WA

Black Mountain Grove

Tacoma, WA, USA

~~ Grove Overview ~~
NAME: Black Mountain Grove
(Mother Grove of Black Mountain Order)
LOCATION: Tacoma is a city in Washington state, on the banks of Puget Sound, south of Seattle. It’s known for the Museum of Glass, which has works by renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly among its exhibits. These include installations on the Chihuly Bridge of Glass. The Tacoma Art Museum has a strong Northwest regional focus.
OFFICERS: Sencha Skene, Chief Druid
Clerk/Secretary: Teresa Hall
Server: Cerridwen Hall
MEMBERSHIP: 815 globally, 15 local
MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO: Any child of the Earth Mother who feels that Nature is good, and who lives close enough to meet regularly.
GROVE TOTEM: Coyote, Bear
AFFILIATIONS: Reformed Druids of Gaia
MEMBER CULTURE: 815 members online, 15 members locally; rites are focused on Celtic Shamanism
WEBSITE: Black Mountain Druid Order www.blackmountaindruidorder.com

Sencha Skene