Letter for your Senators / Congress person

Here’s a suggested letter you can email to your representatives:

Dear (Congress person / Senator) name:

The Coast Redwood (Sequoia Sempervirens) is not only a California treasure but a national treasure as well. With less than 4% of them left, why aren’t they at least on the threatened species list, if not on the endangered species list? How bad does it have to get before a species is considered “endangered”? I’m thinking here of the fact that less than 4% of Coast Redwoods are left, and how lumber companies are literally “clearcutting like drunken sailors,” thus reducing that 4% on a daily basis.

What do we know of the effect on global climate change the destruction of the other 96% of this species has had?

What do we know of the effect on global climate change the
destruction of the remaining 4% of this species will have?

I urge you to draft legislation that would ban the harvest of the Coast Redwood, and the sale and export of Redwood products (for least for 200 years). This will insure not only that the present old growth Redwoods will be protected, but that younger Redwoods will have the opportunity to become old growth. This is for our children, our grandchildren, and I believe the future of this planets climate.

Thank you for listening.

Cut and paste the above text into an email, or (even better) write your own version.

You can find your Senator’s email addresses HERE.

You can find your Congressperson’s email address HERE.

May the FOREST be with you!