Special Orders

(Special Interest Groups, “Mutual Admiration Societies,” Other excuses to organize)
Cywarch merch Dalon
Teaching Order of the Reform. Also involved in environmental activism and direct action.
Order of the Processor
M.E. “Ted” Hoff
For those involved in computers, networks, operating systems, coding, hacking, ……
Order of the Hazelnut
Dedicated to the children of members of the Reform (“Druid Scouts”?). Adult Leaders are 3rd Degree; “scouts” are Boys and Girls of RDG members. Click here to inquire. This is a work in progress.
Order of the
Dedicated to the children of members of the Reform ( “Druid Scouts”?). Adult Leaders are 3rd Degree;”scouts” are Boys and Girls of Jackson M Grove members, though any child may join with parental permission. Click here to inquire. This is a work in progress.
Kwan Yin
Druids who practice the healing art of Reiki.
Druids who practice Yoga.
Odin, The Morrigan Shamanism Black Mountain Druid Order is the ‘bridge’ Order between Reconstructionists and Revivalists. We focus on gleaning shamanic techniques from Celtic and Norse writings. Although we also have multiple Groves, are specifically focused towards solitary Druids.


Not seeing what you’d like here? Maybe you want to start your own Order? If you are already a member of the Nemeton of Dalon ap Landu, write to senior.clerk@reformed-druids.org and let hirm know what you want to do.