Archdruid (A-D or AD)
A 3rd Order Druid who also leads a Grove. Spokesperson / High Priest/ess for any Grove. The AD serves for a year and a day, and may serve more than one term. The Archdruid of the Mother Grove of RDG serves as spokesperson for the entire RDG. The current AD of the MG is Ceridwen Seren-Ddaear. All the Archdruids within the Reform constitute the “Global Council of Archdruids.”
Apostolic Succession
Arcane term borrowed from Churchianity by the early RDNA to describe the spiritual lineage of one ordained by another who can trace their ordination back in an unbroken line to Fisher of Carleton Grove. The RDG simply calls this “lineage.”
A Druid gifted in music, song, dance, poetry, story-telling – or all of the above.
“Before the Gaian Reform.” A term referring to a calendar date prior to Samhain 2006 (See also “YGR”). This period is also called the “1st Age of the Reform.”
1) Umbrella-like covering by the tops of Redwood trees; 2) Umbrella organization that accepts individuals and groups under its guidance and protection (sometimes legal, but not always).
Celtic Reconstructionist
A group who attempts the impossible — reconstructing Druidism (or Celtic religion) from a tradition that was totally handed down orally. They also consider themselves the one, true and only real Druids, and label those they disparage or disagree with as “Neo-Druids.” Also known as Druid or Celtic Fundamentalists.
A Grove governs itself by consensus – 1 person, 1 vote, all decisions are unanimous. Two thirds of the members (a quorum) must be present to transact business.
Council of Dalon ap Landu
Within the RDNA there once existed a body of elders, consisting of 3rd Orders an Archdruids, that spoke for the RDNA. They were eventually disbanded, and today no one speaks with authority for the RDNA.
Formerly, a designation of upward mobility through training/education. Presently, these are referred to as Orders.
- Descriptive of groups or individuals aligned with or similar to those of the Discordian or Erisian movement. 2) An adherent or worshipper of the Goddess Discordia or Eris. 3) A “Parody” religion.
Any member of the Reform movement, whether male or female (there are no “druidess’s” as the term “Druid” is of null-gender).
American term for Druids. Considered derogatory by Celtic Reconstructionist.
Of or relating to Druids, Druidry or Druidism (“Funny, she doesn’t look Druish”)
Originally invented and mainly used by members of OBOD, it has recently been adopted by Celtic Deconstructionists as the “proper” name for Druids.
Global Council of Archdruids
The “Judicial Branch” of the RDG; an advisory body consisting of the leaders of all the Groves in the Reform (see “Archdruid”).
1)A working group of Druids who meet on a regular basis for ritual and fellowship. 2)A Druid congregation.
Traditional title of the female leader of an RDNA or RDG Special Order.
The headquarters, or Mother Grove of the Reformed Druids of Gaia, which functions as its “HQ.” The MG is a physical Grove, whose members dwell in Humboldt County California, USA. The official name of the mother grove is Cylch Cerddwyr Rhwng y Bydoedd Grove. The name means “circle of walkers between the worlds” in Welsh.
Nemeton of Dalon ap Landu
AKA: NoDaL. The “Legislative Branch” of the RDG; an advisory body consisting of all those who have attained the 3rd Order. The NoDaL is currently in abeyance.
A derogatory term used by Celtic Reconstructionists against anyone they dislike or disagree with.
A practitioner of a revived or modern religion, such as Wicca, Druidism, Asartru, Witchcraft, or CAW. The term “neo-pagan” is attributed to Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, however the word “neo-pagan” was first recorded between 1865 and 1870.
New Reform
1) The New Reform began with the birth of the Reformed Druids of Gaia, when it was recognized that Reformed Druidism had grown beyond the borders of North America. 2) Period after Samhain 2006, beginning when the Reform Calendar was reset.
Old Reform
The Reformed Druid movement prior to the conception of the RDG (period before July 24th 2006).
Order (1)
One of the “degrees” of the Reform.
Order (2)
A special interest group, or functionary collective, within the Reform referred to as “Special Orders.”
Although we tend to use “pagan” and “neo-pagan” interchangeably, a Pagan is really someone who has grown up in or practices a religion that is non-monotheistic and has been continuously passed down. The Hindu religion, with it’s myriad Gods and Goddesses, would be an example of a “Pagan” religion.
Traditional title of the Male leader of an RDNA or RDG “Order.” If a female, the title is “Matriarch.”
In the old reform, the business manager of any Grove. In RDG, called the “Clerk.” This person is elected from the Grove and is the main business representative, record keeper, correspondent, etc., for the Grove. Also sometimes called the “Scribe.”
Priest / Priestess
A Druid of the 3rd Order officiating at an RDG sanctioned ritual or who performs other sacerdotal duties.
A forming Grove. 1 First-Order Druid and 2 warm bodies. After a year and a day, and with 2 2nd Order Druids and 1 3rd Order, becomes a Grove.
Reform (The)
A term which refers to the entire Reformed Druid movement, (or also to the Reformed Druids of Gaia). This canopy includes RDG, RDNA, NRDNA, HDNA, OMS, ADF, Henge of Keltria and maybe a dozen or so other groups, plus countless individual Druids. Begun in 1963 as the RDNA at Carleton College in Minnesota.
Reformed Druids of Gaia. A legal entity / canopy group of the Reform, which offers its Clergy legal status and protection.
Reformed Druids of North America. This group is the predecessor of RDG, and laid the groundwork for Reformed Druidism’s spread across the planet.
The duties of clergy: Ordinations, handfastings, births, consecrations, funerals, etc.
The business manager of any Grove. Formerly called the “Preceptor.” This person is elected from the Grove and is the main business representative, record keeper, correspondent, etc., for the Grove. Sometimes also called the “Scribe.”
Season of Sleep
Arcane idea, still practiced today among fundamentalist Reformed Druids, that the Earth Mother “sleeps” during the winter months of the year.
One who is interested in spiritual matters, or one who is interested in Druidry. Seekers usually become students and join the RDG where they are introduced to the Reform.
A Druid not associated with a physical Grove or Nest – one who practices on their own. The majority of Reformed Druids currently fall into this group.
“Nature is good,” and “Nature is very good.” The two ideas that all Reformed Druids recognize and adhere to. The absolute minimum one must believe in to be a Druid of the Reform.
Waters of Life
Principal Sacrament of Reformed Druidism. In the Old Reform, the Waters were always Whisky. In the New Reform the Waters are usually H2O, out of deference to those with alcoholic tendencies. To be valid, the waters must be consecrated by a Third Order (or higher) Druid.
“Year of the Gaian Reform.” A calendar date after Samhain 2006. (See also “BGR”). This era is also called the “2nd Age of the Reform.”
Using the ascii, and created by a forward slash, a pipe, and a backward slash, this symbol represents the Awen or Imbas, which is the principle of enlightenment among Druids.