Sample GROVE Charter


We, the Mother Grove of the Reformed Druids of Gaia (RDG), do hereby recognize the collective of Reformed Druids living in the vicinity of *Name* County, in the State/Provence of *Name* in the  *Country* by granting them this Charter.

The name of this organization shall be *Name* Grove of the Reformed Druids of Gaia and it shall be an autonomous Chartered Grove of the Reform.

Any person, regardless of race, gender, color, culture, age or sexual preferences may become a member of this organization upon presenting a petition, which may be oral, stating that s/he believes in the Basic Tenets of Reformed Druidism, as set forth in The Book of Law in The Druid Chronicles, and that s/he further believes in and agrees with the self-definition of this Branch of the Reform.

The Basic Tenets of Reformed Druidism, as set forth in The Book of Law, are these:

1) The object of the search for religious truth, which is a universal and a never-ending search, may be found through the Earth-Mother; which is Nature; but this is one way, yea, one way among many.

2) And great is the importance, which is of a spiritual importance, of Nature, which is the Earth-Mother; for it is one of the objects of Creation, and with it do people live, yea, even as they do struggle through life are they come face-to-face with it.

There shall be at least three Elders of the Grove:

1) The Archdruid must be at least a Third Order Druid, holding legitimate lineage from the Original Grove in Eureka, CA. S/he shall preside over all meetings and most religious services and shall be a member of the Global Council of Archdruids, and the Nemeton of Dalon ap Landu. S/he shall perform those functions usually performed by Clergy in other religious organizations.

2) The Clerk must be at least a Second Order Druid, shall assist in services, be the keeper of all records, and shall be the principal officer for secular matters  – including the handling of the Grove’s treasury, if any.

3) The Server must be at least a First Order Druid and shall assist the Archdruid insofar as s/he may be called upon to do so, including those functions usually performed by a Secretary in other religious organizations – unless the Clerk shall have decided to perform them.

4) Other officers may be added from time to time as the Grove shall decide when they are needed.

Elections for the posts of Archdruid, Clerk, Server and any other elders decided upon shall be held annually during the period of Foghamhar, except for the first election for each post. Unless a  member of the Grove shall object the post shall be filled by a voice majority vote, with nominations being accepted from the ground of the meeting. If such an objection is lodged, the election shall be by majority vote or secret ballot. Only members of the Grove may vote for the officers of the Grove and only those persons qualified to hold the posts may be nominated for them. Also at this time the Grove may vote upon the amount, if any, of dues to be paid by all members of the Grove; said dues to be used strictly for the expenses of the Grove and to be kept by the Clerk.

A member of this Grove shall be defined as one who:

1) Is at least a First Order Druid

2) Has asked that her/his name be placed in the Grove Records as being a member of the Grove.

3) Has attended at least one-third of all services held by the Grove during the time since attaining initial membership as defined in section (1) and (2) of this Article; save that the Grove may, by majority vote, suspend this rule for any former member who, by reason of illness, requiring extensive travel or other emergency has been unable to attend services as desired.

4) Has kept current with whatever dues the Grove may vote in during the annual election.

The business of the Grove shall be conducted by consensus vote of the members, each member having one vote. If an agreement on an issue or proposition cannot be made by consensus, the matter shall be tabled until the next regular business meeting of the Grove.

Severance from association with the Reformed Druids of Gaia may only be done  via a debated and seconded motion of the elders of the Grove, and voted upon by a consensus of the membership of the Grove, such process to be reported to the Clerk of the Mother Grove via a written and Legally Notarized letter signed by all elders of the Grove.

THIS CHARTER IS GRANTED this *DATE* day of *SEASON*, in the *NUMBER* Year of the Gaian Reform (YGR), being the date of *DAY MONTH YEAR* in the Common Era, by


_______________________      ___________________
*NAME*, Senior Archdruid        *NAME*, Senior Clerk
At the offices of the Mother Grove of the Reformed Druids of Gaia

ACCEPTED this ___day of___________________, in the Year of the Gaian Reform YGR YEAR, being the

date of ___________________________________ in the Common Era, by

___________________      __________________
*AD Name*, Archdruid        *Clerk Name*, Clerk
At the offices of *Name* Grove of the Reformed Druids of Gaia, *City Name* *State*Provence*  *Country*


So say we all!!